Lottah Nursery Tasmania, Australia
This site may be navigated using pointing device or tab key. Access keys have not been enabled in case they over-ride browser/device settings.
The pages have been validated to xhtml 1.1, a standard established by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to encourage cross compatibility over different browsers and non-visual devices. Provided they are viewed on compliant devices these pages should render approximately as we intended.
We bear in mind that our users may have disabilities ranging from
color-blindness through partial vision to total blindness hence the
provision of several color schemes and font sizes as well as clean markup
for screen readers converting to Braille and speech. All pages have been
tested error free for accessibility at
Font size/color combinations may be further adjusted via browser settings.
Please try these variants:
The color scheme may be changed at any stage via selector at top left of page. On occasion the javascript has been known to throw tantrums and produce a black and white page - select color scheme again from left edge of screen to reset preference.
The variants of a single web page are effected by use of alternate stylesheets; javascript and cookies* are used to swap stylesheets and recall preferences. Please enable them to get the richest visual experience - however they are not essential to using this site.
The styleswitcher works on Internet Explorer 6, Mozilla variants
(recommended), Konqueror 3.3.2 and Opera and we believe it should work on
We are partial to the use of Elinks text browser
and are no strangers to Lynx; these pages should render correctly under
And finally, a word of thanks to all of you out there espousing web standards and accessibility - you know who you are.
*cookies are used only for retaining stylesheets, not for tracking users - we don't really have that much interest in our users :)
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