Lottah Nursery Tasmania, Australia

Russian Lilacs, 2009

Syringa vulgaris 'tatiana Poliakova'

We are delighted to receive another batch of Russian lilac images from our friend Tatiana Polyakova in Moscow (seen here with the outstanding S. v. 'Rochester'); some of the lilacs are from collections held at Kiev and Minsk of which little have been heard of outside Russia. She was honoured recently by having a new lilac named after her (pix on right, click on thumbnail for larger image).

We are excited to learn that she and her publisher Penta have won a national competition to produce a book on Leonid Kolesnikov whose Krasavitsa Moskvy has immortalised him in the lilac world. This nursery is flattered to have been invited to contribute some notes on our experience of the Kolesnikov lilacs in the southern hemisphere.

From Kiev (move to Ukrainian section)

From Minsk (new Belarus page)

From Moscow

Some of the following images include lilacs in the background.

We have been provided with a youtube link to a video about lilacs filmed this spring (2009) in the Moscow Botanic Gardens and in the Nikolai Mikhailov garden.

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